The Google Doodle today (click on screenshot below there’s an animation at the click) celebrates the life of Kiyoshi Kuromiya, described as a “ Japanese American author and civil rights, anti-war, gay liberation, and HIV/AIDS activist.”Ī photo of Kuromiya from the Philadelphia Gay News: It’s also a favorite of many cats.įinally, it’s the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression.
Foodwise, it’s National Cheese Day, a food that is kosher so long as it’s not mixed with meat. As always, we award honorary degrees only to scholars and do not solicit the likes of Taylor Swift to give commencement advice to our students. (Every day is Cat Shabbos.) It’s graduation day at the University of Chicago, when the class of 2023 moves up to become four-year students. Welcome to the Cat Sabbath, Saturday, June 4, 2022, when all cats are expected to avoid work and study the Talmud.